Please email me at if you need a quote on a commission or have a question.
You can also reach me on Facebook at Douglas Shuler Illustrations, or on Instagram @douglasshuler_illustrations
Douglas will sign any and all cards sent to him through the mail, as long as you follow a few simple rules.
1 - It's best if you don't mail more than 10 cards per regular envelope. The mail system doesn't like thick packages and anything thicker than 10 cards seems to have a high chance of getting mutilated.
We find that packaging cards in bubble mailers works best. So do Flat Rate small boxes, especially for larger numbers of cards.
2 - Autographs are $5 each. Please include payment with the cards you are sending to be signed or send an email to to arrange payment online.
3 - Shadow autographs are $12 each.
4 - If you have any requests for pen & ink, acrylic, or oil alters to your cards please contact me directly for pricing.
5 - Make sure you include a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) or correct return postage, or I can't return your cards. Also, please be sure the postage and address are correct and legible on the return envelope.
6 - Please consider your packaging carefully. Plastic sleeves rip regular envelopes. If the envelope is stiff, it is non machinable and postage costs more. If you carefully packaged your cards in a padded mailer or box to send them to me, why would you want them sent back in a regular envelope. I know postage can be expensive, but so are many of the items people ask me to sign.
7 - Send cards to: Douglas Shuler, PO Box 18644, Boulder, CO 80308-1644
I do oil repaints of my MTG Artwork. I will only do one oil repaint of each piece per year, and their date appears next to my signature to ensure that each one is unique. If it is not on the list below, it is likely available for commission. Finished image size is usually 9" x 12" but no bigger than 11" x 14".
Repaints already sold for 2024 include:
Serra Angel
Force of Nature
Demonic Tutor
Icy Manipulator
Future repaints already claimed/reserved with a deposit:
2025 Serra Angel
2025 Tranquility
2026 Serra Angel
2026 Tranquility
2027 Serra Angel
2028 Serra Angel
I reserve the right to post images of completed artwork/alters on social media platforms unless otherwise requested. I do not post customer information.
Copyright © 2025 douglasshuler - All Rights Reserved.